Saturday, December 25, 2010

Random Dancing

You probably think this blog is weird and random. It wouldn't be weird if I wasn't weird and I'm a very weird kid, I'm not going to lie. But really, who wants to read a plain blog about some random kid shoveling snow or going to the store? I know I wouldn't, well maybe. Well one of the weird things I like to do that I'll share today that I'm sure a lot of people share with me - I like to randomly dance.

My little brother and everyone who's experience me randomly dancing thinks I'm a weirdo because I like to randomly dance out of no where, especially when I'm back home cause that's where all the dance inside of me comes out. Sometimes you just have the feeling that you need to dance right? Its okay your not alone cause I get the feeling too. The dancing doesn't even have to be good, I mean the random dancing I do isn't special its just me running, spinning and doing the Hannah Montana's nobody's perfect dance where she moves her arms up and down. I'm kind of sure people get a kick out of me dancing except my little brother (booo). He always tells me to stop but jeez who does he think he is the dance police?

That was a really lame comeback but its what I've been telling him every time he tells me to stop. But why would stop? It's my job to annoy my brother because what are siblings for? (plus it's pretty entertaining seeing him annoyed) So to all the people who randomly dance you're not alone and if it annoys your siblings, keep on dancing.

1 comment:

  1. haha oh I feel wierd this is the second post I've commentes on but yet again i agree with you I always dance when i'm at home mostly breakdancing (I cannot breakdance) and sometimes I try to act like I can sexily dance which I cannot do either :P
